
Metin Karakus founded the Onet GmbH in 2003 with the goal to become a well known producer of high quality meat products. From the beginning on the company located in Lünen / North Rhine Westphalia and became a licensed butcher under EU law in 2006.

The Company is primarily specialized in production and delivery of kebab meat. Due to constant innovation of our products, we are able to process beef, veal, turkey and chicken. All processed meats are constantly monitored by the veterinary inspection office.

All our suppliers conduct to the EU regulations and the ethic principals of animal friendly butchering.
We only process meat from Halal-licensed butcheries.

  Onet GmbH Groß-und Einzelhandel | Gahmener Str. 189 | 44532 Lünen | NRW | Deutschland | Fon: +49 (0) 23 06 - 94 35 33 | Fax: +49 (0) 23 06 - 9 40 49 75 | Web. www.onet-gmbh.de | Email: info@onet-gmbh.de | Imprint | Legal Notes